Today, violence has another face, it doesn’t change only the person who performs it, it mutates to settle under the institutional, legaloid and unconstitutional shelter, since […]
European Council President Donald Tusk said it better than no one: “If we do not believe in ourselves, in the deeper purpose of integration, why should […]
The strategy of the PRI (basically to finance the elections in the State of Mexico and, whatever it takes, to hold the most disputed Governor in the country)
Morena's "red burnt" literally swept through the most populous municipalities of the conurbation zone, snatching authentic PRI strongholds like Ecatepec and Tlalnepantla, while the tricolor barely won in 18 district demarcations.
The current municipal administration of Toluca will let solid bases in field of gender alert , coincided in emphasized representants of the Ministry of Justices and Human rights