Civil servants that want to govern Mexico declare immense fortunes.
March 31, 2017
April 10, 2017


Today, violence has another face, it doesn’t change only the person who performs it, it mutates to settle under the institutional, legaloid and unconstitutional shelter, since the congress has no faculties to legislate over internal security matters, it only can over national security issues and the given attributions to the armed forces are public security functions (civil authorities).




The bad thing about some people made the war for us, is that some people made it against us.

Aphorisms of War.

Mexico, March 2017.- The creation of an internal security law in our country has been mentioned through the last days, which has been criticized or discredited by pro-human rights organisms.
Some organizations observed that the law could be created in the immediacy, triggering a not really equal valuation at the time of deciding, between using the force and fire guns, or, conciliate respectfully the human rights.
Today, violence has another face, it doesn’t change only the person who performs it, it mutates to settle under the institutional, legaloid and unconstitutional shelter, since the congress has no faculties to legislate over internal security matters, it only can over national security issues and the given attributions to the armed forces are public security functions (civil authorities).
The control regime that is imposed by an empowered with the use of weapons in Mexico at the time of using the criteria to evaluate between a real delinquency and his imagination in an armed conflict, not only intimidates masses but disarms them as well and it works as an internal control way, just to suppress.
However, focused on the postulation of making everyone obey the law, the officials who promote this initiative, César Camacho and Martha Tamayo (deputies of the PRI party) and the senator of the PAN party, Roberto Gil Zuarth convene to an invasive initiative that endangers the lives of the citizens with lethal law interpretations.
Even though we know well that violence in Mexico did not start from the beginning of a war against drug trafficking in 2017, with a 37 pages document (a bible for the army, in words of Carlos Fazio), in which it is justified the coming of the troops out of the barracks; we do know that the famous offensive became in one of the wars that most remnants has left, from the experiential uncertainty till the government disbelief, among other problems. In spite of the several recommendations made by organisms such as the UN (United Nations), which has made emphasis on the decreasing of the army’s participation on police activities, these days, really violent proposals are executed, as the ideas presented by the deputies mentioned above.
Let’s not forget the several cases of shootings with alteration of the scenes by soldiers and marines that, through a crossfire, a collateral effect, or military holds, have been able to justify certain slaughters.
An example of this can be found in events such as the students murdered by soldiers in front of the Tecnológico de Monterrey (a private university) in 2010, and the Tlatlaya case in the State of Mexico, where the army performed 22 extrajudicial executions.
A parametrics’ study, published in Ecuador by a website that disputes the trust levels to the army in 2009, exposed that the percentage of citizens who consider that the army was outraging human rights was above 54% and they thought that the soldiers should be taken to civil trials.
On February 23rd this year, the same site published the headline: “13122, in Mexico, it is preferred that the army looks after the streets” and mentioned that during around 15 years, the army is one of the institutions that generates more reliability among the Mexicans, alluding to a bigger change from 2010 to 2017.
However, the basic principles over the Use of Force and Fire Guns for Officials in charge of Enforcing the Law issued in the Eighth Congress of the United Nations in August, 1990, have several points that display the limitations in the use of these forces, emphasizing the performance of the recommendation code.
Such code, gives more importance to the training, qualifications and a responsible behavior from officials, penitentiaries, taking as the first principle the basic rules for the treatment of inmates through “disabler weapons, non-lethal, in a way to reduce the risk of fatal injuries, only when other ways are ineffective or do not guarantee somehow the achieving of the foreseen result.”
It promotes other commissions when the fire weapons are inevitable, like practicing moderation, reduce to the minimum the damages and injuries, respect for life, give assistance or medical services, notify the situation as soon as possible to the relatives or friends and communicate immediately to the superior in rank in any case of death if that happens.
According to the principle 22, adopted in that same congress, it will appeal to the adoption of legislative measures to punish the crime if the arbitrary or abusive use of force or fire weapons has been performed, and the circumstantial invocation of inner policy instability or any other public situation of emergency justifying the breaking of these principles.
For Mexican citizens, the government promotes the human rights, but it forgets that the law is read and among the legal gaps, juridical deficiencies can be created backed up by a bigger use of weaponry.
Violence has always given profitable results, it constantly evokes death to feed and grow fear (a profitable item as well) for the governmental authority with the desire of getting gains. Through animal order concepts, it decays not only the economic life but any kind of existing freedom for any person.
Before justifying a war, we have to remember the kids, young or old people who witnessed the aggression against their relatives or friends, mutilations or unfair imprisonments, victims (children) separated from their parents, away from their usual environment and the psychological wounds that will be there for the rest of their lives.


By: María Esther González Ayala.


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