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Children’s enquiry reclects the transmission of male chauvinist prejudices

Children’s enquiry reclects the transmission of male chauvinist prejudices

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Children’s enquiry reclects the transmission of male chauvinist prejudices

May 28th, 2019

Children and teenagers participated on the Consulta Infaltil 2018, and they were, for the first time asked on topics related to gender equality, which led to surprising results. Such as the fact that a lot of male chauvinist prejudices on adults had been passed on to the children. With a tendency to modification as they grow old.

The results of the enquiry reveal attitudes to men, such as having sexual encounters, going out at night and sleep away from home, more than to women. Which are better seen, doing domestic chores, and expressing affection publically. During a press conference made by the Instituto Electoral del Estado, they made the results public, and they said that there were participating more than 800 000 minors from the 125 towns. They did not revealed which town had more participation; they said they did not had that information.


Translator: Vanessa Gutierrez

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