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From north to south

The new leadership is betrayed by Ismael Hernández Deras


By: Abigail A. Correa Cisneros

CNC is extinguished

The Confederación Nacional de Campesinos arrives almost extinct to its extraordinary congress due to the illegality with which the deputy Ismael Hernández Deras remains in the presidency of that central, after the governors of his party closed the doors to receive it in their entities and confronted the new president of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas in supporting Ivonne Ortega.

The annual extraordinary congress of the CNC will be carry out on August 28 in Jalisco, in a governed state by Movimiento Ciudadano party, what is an unpiblished case, because no governor of the PRI wanted to participate in the simulation and betrayal that Ismael tries to follow to lead the peasant organization considered once the most important in Latin America.

CNC was founded by the president Lázaro Cardenas in 1938, under the revolutionary ideals of Emiliano Zapata, where the both ejido and comunal peasants found a voice for their petitions for justice and equality to the different governments: municipal, state and federal. After a long relationship with the PRI, the former governor of Durango arrived to sink and dismantle La Campesina, causing the withdrawal of militants that last year voted by Andrés Manuel López Obrador. This way the lack of real and strong leadership ended up also detroying the PRI.

Today the CNC looks abandoned, the halls and the offices are empty. Since last year Ismael Hernández began tos ay goodbye to the mojority of workers and leaders of productive branches and members of the dome of teh CNC, who chose to run, ask them to resign, cut the salary in half or flat stopped paying. All this resulted in the loss of the support of the production branches, the state agricultural leagues, the PRI and its own affiliates.

The transformation that is planned is the ineffectiveness and disappearance of that plant.

Ismael Hernández and his unconditional group are the main traitors to the ideals of Zapatismo by reducing the leadership of the central to a mere negotiating table where the principles on which it was founded are sold.

The serious thing is that the arrogant Beatriz Paredez Rangel took sides with Ismael Hernández who was elected leader, committing a clear re-election historically prohibited in the CNC. For this reason Ismael Henández´s permanence is irregular in origin.

It should be noted that in the federal and local elections of July last year, thousand of peasants voted by Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The corruption, disenchantment, abandonment and feeling of betrayal that exists in Ismael Hernández's CNC took its toll.

The still cenecist leader arrives very questioned and weakened to the extraordinary congress. A congress that is expected is only a meeting of Friends.

Because the presence of true militancy will be almost nil, insignificant, due to various factors, including the fact that it will be held in Jalisco, a state that was taken from the PRI in the last elections.

Al lof the irregularities in the Ismael Hernández leadership continue their legal process, and on Thursday, August 16, the hearing derived from the Challenge of the process in which the statutes of this organization were violated to impose on Hernandez Deras was held. At the end of this hearing the lawyers of the current leadership were defeated before the development of the trial and now fear the judgment of the judge of the case, who will give his final verdict within two months in which the illegality is most likely determined of the current leadership.

The CNC will be the first big test of the president of the PRI Alejandro Moreno, because he must bet to reestablish the legality in the CNC and determinate the route by which that political institute must walk to regain the confidence of its members and retrace the path of disappearance.



Translator: Victor Colin

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