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August 24, 2019

From north to south

Leaders use Zapata and farmers not to lost their big business


By: Abigail A. Correa Cisneros


The rural sector will be the place where the fulfillment of the commitments and goals established by the current government is observed, or where the collapse of this goverment is observed. The main factor to combat both food and moderate poverty is the increase in the production of the field. One of the main goals of the current goverment.

In the study “México Rural del siglo XXI” of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOD) published in 2008, it is established that this segment represents 23 percent of the national population and the extreme poverty affects 17.4 percent of the total, while in urban areas it only reaches 4.4 percent. According to the document in Mexico, just over 50 percent of the population in extreme poverty lives in rural locations.

Facing this reality, president Andrés Manuel López Obrador said recently in Zacatecas: In the counrtryside the organizations were accustomed, badly accustomed to recieving money. But that is over, now all support comes directly to the beneficiary. Yes, because it was not complete, most of it has served to enrich the leaders, who now do not like change and therefore organize stoppages and protests. They were given resources through Sedesol, today Bienestar; and of Agricultura, before SAGARPA, billions of pesos that were not to encourage production, but to enrich the pockets of the caciques of the organizations, of those “peasants with Rolex”, who “only bought a pantry to distribute to the people, not even with the good beans of Rio Grande, but beans with weevils”. In the government, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said, now everyone is served, “but for the good of all, first the poors, first the most needy… Because the State has to help the dispossessed , the poor, that is its main function”.

When their interest were attacked, the leaders began calling the peasants (their bait), to demonstrate in several entites, including Mexico City, under the pretext of the commemoration of birth of Emiliano Zapata Salazar. The peasant leaders of the Frente Autentico del Campo agreed that the mobilizations, road blockades, railways and maritime roads, were to demand an open dialogue and to say the name and last name of the leaders who are corrupt. They are advised not to insist on this because surely almost everyone will be convicted.

For the current government, justice is to give more to the one who has less, because there can be no equal treatment between unequals, “there has to be more support for humble people”.

For this reason guarantee prices were established, begining with those with less surface area and it will expand until the country reach the food self-sufficiency.

López Obrador has pointed out that it is not posible that Mexico is importing corn, beans, rice, beef and pork, among other products when that can be produced in our country if producers are supported.

It should be noted that imports of agricultural and agroindustrial products during the first six months of this year decreased 1.71 percent, compared to purchases made abroad in the same period last year, according to data from Banco de México.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador argues that support will not given to social organizations, civil society, organizations or so-called non governmental organizations or associations, NGOs, because they cannot be non-governmental and receive government budget. That is over.

He acknowledges that this is why disagreements are emerging and he announces that to make a transformation in the countryside and in the country, there have to be changes and the main one is that the support reaches the true producers who need them, giving more to those who have less.



Translator: Víctor Colín

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