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Within the framework of the 66th Anniversary of recognizing the vote of women in Mexico, the IEEM organizes the Forum “Women Munícipes: The Challenges of Gender Parity at Local Level”, to be held on October 23



October 17th, 2019

The Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico (IEEM) emphasizes that 66 years after the recognition of the citizenship rights of women in our country, there are substantial advances because the integration of the Mexican Legislature is equal and there are a significant number of women in The City Councils. However, it continues to work to promote their political-electoral rights and encourage the participation of women in decision-making.

The Observatory of Political Participation of Women in the State of Mexico, of which the IEEM is a permanent member, has a Work Program for this 2019, through which various training and promotion activities for political-electoral rights are offered Women's.

Activities such as generating statistics on the increase in the presence of women in decision-making spaces either in the Legislature or in City Halls; the design and preparation of infographics on specific data that make visible the political participation of women in the entity, where it is emphasized that the LX Mexican Legislature is integrated almost evenly -37 women and 38 men-; and in which it is mentioned that 39 women were elected as Municipal Presidents; 93 in the Unions and 680 are Regidoras.

Also, in coordination with the Electoral Court of the State of Mexico (TEEM) and the State Council of Women and Social Welfare (CEMyBS) - permanent members of the Observatory - promote the Forum “Women Munícipes: The Challenges of Gender Parity a Local Level ” Its objective is to analyze the progress of women's political participation in the municipal sphere, as well as the challenges to achieve joint municipal governments.


Translator: Martín Caballero

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